PE at Home an instant ‘HIIT’

Throughout the last six weeks the PE department have been providing plenty of physical activity and games for our pupils who continue to work hard in all subjects across the school.

Whilst working at home places an important emphasis on academic work, staff also recognise the importance of getting outside and undertaking some form of daily exercise. This allows pupils to ‘get a break’ and ‘clear the head’ from their school work. The exercises and activities set by the PE department have all been accepted extremely well by pupils and the feedback has been excellent.

These activities include the ‘1k a day challenge’ in January, Tabata sessions, Yoga classes, Joe Wicks PE, Circuit training, Marcus Rashford activities and Connect 4 family games to name a few. This week we have also set the Cullybackey Lockdown 2.0 challenge!

With half term nearly upon us it is really important that all pupils continue to engage in some meaningful form of exercise each day during the week long break from studies. If any pupils have not signed up on Google Classroom please contact the school for more information.

Well done to all pupils (and parents!) who have participated in our activities so far!

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