
On Friday 17th January 2020, Cullybackey College were delighted to welcome 700 Primary 7 pupils from 31 local primary schools to our annual P7 IN-O-V8 event. This STEM programme of interactive workshops and shows aims to engage and enthuse young people about science and technology. The extensive skills of our staff and learning possibilities available within our college are showcased, ensuring that pupils visiting have the opportunity to experience Science and Technology learning. We value the close working relationships we have established with the local primary schools and want to emphasise to our prospective pupils that learning is fun!

The scientific workshops included: making elephant’s toothpaste; walking on egg shells; and making rainbows. In technology pupils worked with electronics and made a battery powered torch. We also welcomed the science boffins from W5 in Belfast and Scientific Sue who hosted a special interactive Dragon show!

We hope that all pupils attending enjoyed their day, and will bring their parents back to our Open Nights, on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st January from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

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