Parent Teacher Online Consultations have launched

On Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th January 2022, we are holding our very first online video consultation between parents and teachers. These will take place from 9.30am to 1pm each day.

The system is very simple to use and provides an opportunity for parents to receive feedback about the progress of their child following the first term of the year. You can book a 3 minute slot to speak to a class teacher. Please take a look at the further information enclosed.

You can log in to the schoolcloud system here:

Please click here to access a letter from Mr Manson detailing the arrangements of the Parent Teacher Consultation and click here to view a helpful guide on using the schoolcloud system.

Below are some video links which give more support and information on how to access the system.

Help video 1 –

Help video 2  –

Help video 3  –

You will be able to start booking appointments for this consultation from 12 noon on Friday 7th January. Bookings will close on Thursday 13th January at midnight.