Through the study of Home Economics, we aim to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and competences which will help them to be resourceful in their day to day lives. Pupils will be provided with opportunities to explore real life situations related to health and nutrition, family life and independent living.


Home Economics

Levels Taught:



Mrs A Rodgers – (HOD)
Mrs H Evans
Mrs C Edwards

(Subject/Topic Content)

Year 8

  • Welcome to Home Economics
  • Introducing food and The Eat-well Guide
  • Managing resources and equipment
  • Weighing and measuring
  • Consumerism and labelling

Year 9

  • Taking care of our food
  • What’s the fuss about breakfast
  • Fast foods and obesity
  • Ethical consumers

Year 10

  • Recipe adaptation
  • Convenience foods
  • Changing family needs

(Subject/Topic Content)

GCSE Hospitality
Through studying this course, students gain core knowledge and understanding of the hospitality industry and the skills required for working in it. Students have opportunities to apply their developing knowledge, understanding and skills in a range of theoretical and practical contexts.

Year 11

  • The Hospitality Industry (25% External Examination)

Exploring hospitality, Career opportunities in hospitality, Diet and health in hospitality, Health and safety, First aid.

Year 12

  • Hospitality and the Customer (25% External Examination)

Customers in hospitality, Products and services, Customer care, Communication, Marketing

Year 11 /Year 12

  • Food and Beverage Preparation and Service (50% Controlled Assessment practical tasks)

Occupational Studies (Contemporary Cuisine / Pattisserie and Baking)
The occupational studies course provides a hands-on approach to learning. This course has an occupational and employability focus.
Year 11 Contemporary Cuisine (50%)
Health and safety, Starters, Mains, Desserts
Year 12 Patisserie and Baking (50%)
Health and safety, Bread and scones, Cakes and biscuits, Pastry products

GCSE Child Development
This course focuses on the study of the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of young children from conception to the age of five years.

It encourages students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills, including practical skills, in these key areas:

  • pregnancy, childbirth and caring for a newborn baby
  • the responsibilities involved in parenting and other family roles
  • the social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development of small children, including their dietary, health and educational needs.

Year 11
Parenthood, Pregnancy and the Newborn Baby (30% External Examination)

Year 12
The Development of the Child (0-5 years) (30% External Examination)
Controlled Assessment Investigation Task (40%)