Drama pupils explore and develop a variety of styles of creative communication throughout Key Stage 3. Acting and expressive vocal skills, body language, freeze frames, script study, improvisation, creative character writing, storytelling, story writing, various dance styles and choreography, theatrical movement, synchronicity, monologues, dialogues, pantomime and design work are all part of the Drama programme.



Levels Taught:



Mrs C Drennan
Mrs A O’Halloran
Mrs A Quinn

(Subject/Topic Content)

Year 8

  • Building a foundation in acting skills
  • Vocal expression
  • Body language communication
  • Imaginative character writing
  • Communicating characters within a script
  • Basic Improvisation
  • Storytelling
  • Eye mask designs
  • Pop and Vogue choreography for a group dance performance
  • Learning basic movement vocabulary
  • Self-reflection writing on performance work

Year 9

  • Dialogue work
  • Varied Vocal Tones: Emphasis and Dramatic Pauses 
  • Mime work- learning to communicate effectively using body language
  • Freeze frames
  • Improvisation using a prop
  • Script reading and scene study
  • Developing basic character analysis skills through script study
  • Synchronicity, timing and rhythmic skills used for theatrical movement
  • Understanding possible responses from a musical stimulus for movement
  • Costume design
  • Self-reflection writing on performance work

Year 10

  • Communicating a monologue
  • Learning to write anecdotal notes on a script in preparation for a rehearsed performance
  • Further developing listening and speaking skills
  • Identifying use of appropriate vocal tones, emphasized words and dramatic pauses in a rehearsed  performance.
  • Pantomime Genre
  • Studying a GCSE level script and analyzing characters
  • Writing a short story based on an interview process
  • Studying a variety of styles of dance over 5 decades, expanding on understanding of movement phrases and choreographic devices such as unison, repetition and call and response.
  • Learning dynamics of movement qualities: weight, space, time, levels and flow.
  • Rehearsing and performing a short piece of choreography that incorporates a few different dance styles
  • Basic script writing work
  • Careers in the Performing Arts (Performance and Design)   

(Subject/Topic Content)

3 Components
Actors follow the acting/performance pathway.
Designers follow the design pathway.

Year 11
Actors: (Performance)

  • A devised performance to a written stimulus (creating, rehearsing and performing a short script in a small group) (25%)
  • Rehearsing and performing a published script (35%)

Designers: (Costume, Set, Sound, Lights or Multi-Media)

  • A design presentation on the devised performance (25%)
  • A design presentation on the published script performance (35%)

Year 12
For both actors and designers:

  • Written examination based on a play (open book) (40%)